- I am fascinated by learning and language and therefore apply simple two-layer error-driven learning models to language learning
Methods I use are cognitive modeling, artificial language learning studies,
corpus linguistics, and eye-tracking and EEG
I am further interested in regression analysis (GAMMs) and other statistical modeling techniques
In my PhD project, I investigated how linear order influences learning in language, for example, how word order influences linguistic category learning. In addition, one of my goals was to expand knowledge on the method of using two-layer error-driven learning models to investigate learning processes.
At the CLCG, University of Groningen, I was a member of the Semantics and Cognition research group
of my promotor Petra Hendriks. I was further supervised by Jacolien van Rij from the Bernoulli Institute
for Mathematics, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence in Groningen and Michael Ramscar from the Psychology department at the University of Tübingen.
- Hoppe, D. B. (2022). Linear order in language: an error-driven learning account. Doctoral dissertation, University of Groningen.
- Hoppe, D. B., Hendriks, P., Ramscar, M., & van Rij, J. (2022). An exploration of error-driven learning from a discriminative learning perspective. Behavior Research Methods. 1-31.
- Hoppe, D. B., van Rij, J., Hendriks, P., & Ramscar, M. (2020). Order matters! Influences of linear order on linguistic category learning. Cognitive Science, 44 (11): e12910.
- Effects of linear order on noun class learning,
talk at Expectations in Language Learning Workshop, RU Groningen, 2022
- Communicative efficiency in German and English noun phrases,
invited talk at Institute of Czech Language, Charles University Prague, 2022
- Entropy managment in German and English noun phrases,
short talk at 2021 Amlap Conference, Paris, 2021
- Order matters! The influence of marking order on category learning in language,
talk at Night Whites Workshop, St Petersburg, 2018
- Order matters! How marking order influences learning of categories in language,
CUNY Conference, Davis, 2018
- Before or After? Suffixes outperform prefixes in discrimination of complex L2 categories, CUNY Conference, Boston,
- Before or After? How suffixes discriminate categories and prefixes discriminate items,
AMLAP Conference, Lancaster, 2017
© 2020 Dorothée Hoppe | contact